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go to: royal aust air force, bureau of meteorology, quality assurance program

Royal Australian Air Force
Aircraft Research and Development Unit

Letter of appreciation —
ARDU Control Margin Measurement System software

ARDU (follow the links from the RAAF Edinburgh website) was tasked to conduct a handling qualities assessment of the F-111C. To enable the conduct of the planned flight testing, a Control Margin Measurement System (CMMS) was designed and installed into the test aircraft to assist aircrew in the determination of available control margins. ARDU elected to sub-contract development of the CMMS Software to Ebor Computing.

Flight trials were successfully conducted between September and December 2001. The CMMS system played a central role in the safe conduct of the handling qualities assessment flight test program, proving to be invaluable to the flight test crew.

ARDU appreciates the willing and professional support provided by Ebor Computing staff who each worked tirelessly to develop, test, document and offer on-going support for the CMMS Software.

T J Saunder
Wing Commander
Commanding Officer
Aerospace Systems Engineering Squadron, Aircraft Research and Development Unit
February 2002

Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology

The Bureau of Meteorology engaged Ebor Computing in 2002 to develop a significant software application to be used by meteorologists as part of the Bureau’s 24x7 forecasting and warning system. The application is Java-based and provides a flexible visualisation interface for real-time data collected automatically from several sensor sites around Australia.

Ebor produced an excellent application, which is now being implemented in operations, and demonstrated remarkable responsiveness to and understanding of our requirements. The application was delivered on time and on budget to a satisfactory standard, but Ebor undertook extra development work at no extra cost to deliver an improved version which fully satisfied extra requirements put forward by forecasters.

Chris Ryan
Superintendent, Meteorological Systems Section
Central Operations and Systems Branch
2 July 2003

RCPA Quality Assurance Programs

RCPA Quality Assurance Programs Pty Limited has worked closely with Ebor Computing for a number of years redeveloping existing in-house applications and expanding our service to include a secure, web-enabled database to assist and provide direct access to our growing national and international client base. These goals have been achieved with close collaboration between our scientific staff and the Ebor team. This collaboration has developed a valuable resource for many pathology laboratories.

Lloyd A Penberthy
Business Manager
RCPA Quality Assurance Programs Pty Limited
2 July 2003

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